Aww geeze! Not cool! This page ain't about me, it's about me! Foxetta! Hi, I'm Foxetta. I live in the USA. I guess I'm just your average Red fox. I enjoy meeting and making friends with new people, eventhough I'm kinda shy. If you want to talk to me sometime IM me. My s/n is DavenEvanXaviour(a char I roleplay).  I'll add pictures of me here, and describe them if I have to. Please don't take my art and use it though! I'll pummel you with a raw herring till you bleed if you take my pics! |  |
Favorites Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:
The Lion King, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Labyrinth, X-Men 2, the Never Ending Story, the Dark Crystal, and the list goes on... Here's a list of some of my favorite music:
Linkin Park, Chevelle, some Five Iron Frenzy, White Stripes, lots of 80's songs, and almost anything else like christian rock/alt/ska |